Hydra gauntlets and the shardnet and impaler are quite deadly when paired with the right Cult Obsession, and only get scarier with a good roll on the Combat Drugs table. The shredder will more often than not force an injury roll at whatever you shoot it at. Darklight weapons have a solid chance of just destroying whatever they’re pointed at. You’ve got access to some outstanding specialist weaponry that will let you remove models that actually pose a threat to you very quickly. These bonuses may not seem like much, but they do stack over time and help mitigate the penalties you’ll suffer due to flesh wounds and the loss of models over the course of the game. Your bonuses in rounds 4 and 5 make you more likely to pass your Nerve checks and impose a penalty on your opponent’s, respectively. Your models start with a 6+ ignore wounds, then gain the ability to re-roll charge and advance rolls from the second round, and add +1 to their WS from the third round forward. Each model in your Kill Team benefits from a set of bonuses that stack up the longer the game goes on. But let’s be honest – the True Kin wouldn’t have it any other way. Just remember that if you’re not paying attention, victory could slip right through your fingers. However, the Drukhari present a wide variety of strategies to choose from along with a few tools that can let you grab control of the flow of the match and hold on for dear life.

Playing as Drukhari will require thoughtful play starting at list construction, as the obsession you choose to benefit from for a given game will strictly limit the number of datasheets available to you and push you solidly toward a particular tactic.

They’re an interesting faction to play who can be a ton of fun, if you can get past the fact that you’re working without a safety net. The Dark Kin come to Kill Team as fast and hard-hitting as you’d expect, and at least as fragile besides.